Publicaties in vreemde talen (ook in de andere rubrieken opgenomen)
'Enforcement of foreign award (in online arbitration) ex officio refused because of violation of the defendant's right to be heard', IPRax 2022/5, p. 533-537
‘Civil procedure’, in: Larissa van den Herik, Ewoud Hondius, Wim Voermans (eds.), Introduction to Dutch Law, sixth revised edition, Alphen aan de Rijn: Kluwer Law International 2022
‘仲裁与人工智能: 从仲裁到“机器人仲裁”和从人类仲裁员到机器人仲裁员? [Arbitration and AI, from Arbitration to ‘Robotration’ and from Human Arbitrator to Robot Arbitrator]’ 上海法学研究(集刊) Shanghai Legal Studies 2022, afl. 2, p. 15-24 (vertaald door 陈一华 [Yihua Chen])
‘Arbitration and AI, from Arbitration to ‘Robotration’ and from Human Arbitrator to Robot’, The International Journal of Arbitration, Mediation and Dispute Management 2021, afl. 2, p. 223–242
‘New Developments in National Rules for ex Officio Raising of Points of Community Law by National Courts’, in: A.S. Hartkamp & C.H. Sieburgh (eds.), The Influence of EU Law on National Private Law, Deventer: Kluwer 2014, p. 96-116
‘Assignment of debts under Netherlands law’, in: R. Setiawan & J. Satiro (eds.), Penjelasan Hukum tentang cessie, Jakarta: National Legal Reform Program 2010, p. 27-38.
‘Netherlands Law of Property’, in: H.J. Snijders & J. Hijma (eds.), The Netherlands new civil code, Jakarta: National Legal Reform Program 2010, p. 17-60
‘Pledge in general and pledge of shares in particular including the enforcement under the Netherlands law’, in: P. Suharnoko & K. Muljadi (eds.), Penjelasan Hukum tentang eksekusi gadai saham, Jakarta: National Legal Reform Program 2010, p. 19-27
‘Interpretation of National Rules for ex officio Raising of Points of Community Law by National Courts’, in H.J. Snijders & S. Vogenauer (eds.) Content and Meaning of National Law in the Context of Transnational Law, München: Sellier European Law Publishers 2009, p. 133-156
‘Some Comments on Dealing with Default, Enforcement and Insolvency in the Draft Legislative Guide on Secured Transactions’, in: Bénédict Foëx, Luc Thévenoz & Spiros V. Bazinas (eds.), Réforme des sûretés moblières / Reforming Secured Transactions, Genève/Zurich/Bâle: Schulthess 2007, p. 113-124
‘Privacy of Contract’, in: Katja S. Ziegler (ed.), Human Rights and Private Law, Privacy as autonomy, Oxford and Portland: Hart Publishers 2007, p. 105-116
‘The Culture of the Netherlands Civil Code’, in: Wang Weiguo (ed.), Dutch Experience and Re-codification of Civil Law, Beijing 2007, p. 93-104
‘The Law of Property’, in: Wang Weiguo (ed.), Dutch Experience and Re-codification of Civil Law, Beijing 2007, p. 105-166
‘Divergencies of Property Law, an Obstacle to the Internal Market?’, in: Ulrich Drobnig, Henk J. Snijders & Erik-Jan Zippro (eds.), Divergencies of Property Law, an Obstacle to the Internal Market?, München: Sellier European Law Publishers 2006, p. 3-13 (together with the other editors)
‘Access to Civil Securities and Free Competition in the EU, a Plea for one European Security Right in Movables’, in: Ulrich Drobnig, Henk J. Snijders & Erik-Jan Zippro (eds.), Divergencies of Property Law, an Obstacle to the Internal Market?, München: Sellier European Law Publishers 2006, p. 153-164
‘Civil procedure’, in: Jeroen Chorus, Piet-Hein Gerver & Ewoud Hondius, Introduction to Dutch Law, fourth revised edition, Alphen aan de Rijn: Kluwer Law International 2006, p. 241-268
‘Reconsideration of the Netherlands Arbitration Law’, Journal of International Dispute Resolution (IDR) 2004, p. 51-52
‘General Introduction’ in: Henk Snijders & Stephen Weatherill (eds.), E-commerce Law, National and Transnational Topics and Perspectives, The Hague/London/New York: Kluwer Law International 2003, p. 1-8 (together with the other editors)
‘The Moment of Effectiveness of e-mail notices’, in: Henk Snijders & Stephen Weatherill (eds.), E-commerce Law, National and Transnational Topics and Perspectives, The Hague/London/New York: Kluwer Law International 2003, p. 79-88
‘Vorwort und Einführung’, in: U. Drobnig, H.I. Sagel-Grande & H.J. Snijders, Neue Entwicklungen im Recht der persönlichen Kreditsicherheiten in Deutschland und in den Niederlanden, München: European Law Publishers 2003, p. XI-XIV (zusammen mit den anderen Herausgebern/together with the other editors)
‘Bürgschaft nach dem neuen Niederländischen Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuch’, in: U. Drobnig, H.I. Sagel-Grande & H.J. Snijders, Neue Entwicklungen im Recht der persönlichen Kreditsicherheiten in Deutschland und in den Niederlanden, München: European Law Publishers 2003, p. 77-90
‘Kreditsicherheiten an Mobilien: Rechtslage und neue Entwicklungen in den Niederlanden’, in: U. Drobnig, H.I. Sagel-Grande & H.J. Snijders, Neue Entwicklungen im deutschen und niederländischen Insolvenzrecht sowie Kreditsicherheiten an Mobilien, Amsterdam: Rozenberg Publishers 2001, p. 75-100
‘Questionnaire, General Introduction and Comparison’, in: Henk J. Snijders (ed.), Access to Civil Procedure Abroad, München / Den Haag / London & Boston / Athene / Bern / London: C.H. Beck / Kluwer International / Sakkoulas Publishers / Stämpfli / Sweet&Maxwell 1996, p. 1-24
‘Netherlands Civil Procedure’, in: Henk J. Snijders (ed.), Access to Civil Procedure Abroad, München / Den Haag / London & Boston / Athene / Bern / London: C.H. Beck / Kluwer International / Sakkoulas Publishers / Stämpfli / Sweet&Maxwell 1996, p. 239-276
‘Extinctive Prescription, On the Limitation of Actions’, in: Ewoud H. Hondius (ed.), Reports to the XIVth Congress International Academy of Comparative Law Athens (Vouliagmeni), Greece, 31 July - 7 August 1994, Kluwer Law International: The Hague, London, Boston 1995, p. 249-258
paper: ‘Economization of Property Law’, lecture on the occasion of the Conference on Economization of Law, Leiden, Netherlands, 15 April 1994, p. 1-7
‘Il Diritto Processuale Civile Olandese’, in: Fazzalari Elio (ed.), La Giustizia Civile nei Paesi Comunitari, a cura di Elio Fazzalari, Padova: CEDAM 1994, p. 321-355.
Netherlands Arbitration Law, Deventer-Boston: Kluwer Law & Taxation 1993 (together with A.J. van den Berg & R. van Delden; contributions of H.J. Snijders: author of p. 1-29 en p. 103-118 and editor of the complete book)
‘Independence and responsability of judges and lawyers’, in: H.J. Snijders & M. Ynzonides (eds.), Role and organization of judges and lawyers in contemporary societies, Netherlands national reports to the Ninth World Conference on Procedural Law (International Association for Procedural Law, Lissabon/Coïmbra 1991), Deventer-Antwerpen-Boston: Kluwer Law and Taxation: 1992, p. 31-64
‘A Holland polgári eljáráslog dióhéjban [Netherlands civil procedure in a nutshell with some trips outside]’, Magyar Jog, 1991, p. 59-62
‘Some reflections on maintaining human rights by judicial application of international conventions in countries without a constitutional court tradition, including some supranational consequences’, in: Federico Carpi a.o. (eds.), Judicial Protection of human rights at the national and international level (Volume II), Milaan: MP AG 1991, p. 769-772
‘Managing overload in appellate courts (including supreme jurisdiction)’, in: The Eight World Conference on Procedural Law, Justice and Efficiency, General reports and discussion, Deventer: Kluwer 1989, p. 135-145 (in cooperation with J.A. Jolowicz, R.W. Holzhauer & A.M.C.D. de Mare-Fröberg)
‘Entry to legal profession(s) in the Netherlands’, in: Legal Education: 2000, USA/HongKong/Singapore/Sydney: Aldershot-Brookfield 1988, p. 201-213